Monday, December 3, 2007


The worst thing about having rain for the last 5 days, is that they give me the perfect excuse to procrastinate! I am already an expert on leaving things to do for later, in another day, at another time. I got also sick with a bad cold, and the increase on the "lazy" factor was so high, that I woder how am I going to deal with everything I actually have to do!
I spent most of the time reading, doing research, watching TV, and basically drinking my cold away with juices and teas. My house is such a mess! But, instead of cleaning, here I am, updating my blog with probably the least creative posting ever!
I am too lazy to even fix it. And it is a testimony for myself. To my invisible friends that read this page, I am sorry. I wanted to write and post pictures about the Christmas lightings in Berlin, but I haven't been out and have no new pictures... maybe next time.

1 comment:

drowning pisces said...

Good to hear from you again. So sorry you're not feeling well however. I look forward to your photos of Christmas in Berlin. Spending X-mas in Europe is on my short list of things I'd like to do before I die.

Take care of yourself!