Thursday, December 13, 2007

No more GF!

Don't worry, I'm OK with my girlfriend! But from now on, my GF will be known only as "girlfriend". Turns out that she likes to lurk around my blog, and didn't like me using the short version. Her reason: "Sounds military!"
I totally blame this to my American influence, where everything tends to be short and "easier". I remember for example the first time I heard A.S.A.P. It was a little weird but I understood right away the urgency of spelling it instead of saying "as soon as possible".
Then when I started to work, I found so many initials when referring to the things and the people we worked with, that it took me a while to get into the "lingo".
Of course with the use of computers and chat, the amount of "short" phrases are... too many to remember, but the ones I used more are: LOL and brb. The rest, I write them out. After all is not an SMS.
For my girlfriend, chatting is an impossible activity. She gets stressed out because she has to type fast, and she needs to think of the answer she wants to write. She actually told me that many times when we were chatting across continents, she would write by hand first and then type what she wrote on paper. Now we don't chat anymore, but she is a computer savvy who lurks around and makes observations about those little details. So, my dear girlfriend, you got it!

1 comment:

Chantal said...

lmao that is just too funny. I love it