I've been in a battle with myself over voting or not. I have the feeling that my vote will not count really, because in my state there is a "sure winner" that I don't like. I don't like his opponent either! I looked into the other candidates and I don't like anyone. So why vote? I don't want to give my vote to someone I don't trust, simply because I'm registered in his political party. I just don't want him to have my vote.
But after doing some little research, I found that I can actually write in the name of a person I believe should be president... so that's what I'll be doing!
I'll vote following my conscience. I will not betray all the women that fought for my right to choose. I will not betray my pledge of allegiance to the flag and the nation for which it stands. It is my right and my obligation as a citizen.
So, if like me you are having doubts about who to vote for, please go and vote! You can always write in your own candidate. Who knows? maybe our votes will count too.
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Unfortunately most "Write In" votes are never counted. The reason is that only candidates who have filed papers to be a write in candidate are counted. As an Election Judge I already have my list of "Approved Write In Candidates". I got it at our meeting last month. At least that is the way it is in the county where I am an Election Judge.
We won't be counting Hillary Clinton, Mickey Mouse or Ziggy.
After the polls close we have to separate out the ballots with write ins and we put the "approved write in candidate" ballots in piles by name and then count them and fill out a report. The ballots with other names go in the boxes with all other cast ballots and are not counted.
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