Sunday, April 22, 2007

Sunday's Rituals

When I was a kid, I remember I would look for the newspaper on Sundays to read the comics. When my sister was able to read, we would "call" a reservation of the comics so one could read it first. Kid's stuff! Later on in life, there was a time when I would love Sunday mornings to read the newspaper while listening to Opera, which usually was "La Traviata" and "Carmen".
After my father died, on Sundays my mom would go to the cemetery, and then we all go to have lunch together. I would almost always ordered a French Onion soup, and that would make me take a nap in the afternoon. Then I'd go to the movies at night.
When I lived in New York, Sunday brunch was a must, no matter with who, or where, but it became a tradition.
Now that I'm living in Europe, Sundays are days that have only one thing constant for me: I read the Washington Post Magazine. I discovered it over the internet, one day that I was looking for something to read, and really enjoyed it. One of the people I enjoy reading is Jeanne Marie Laskas. Some of her columns are hilarious! I also like the features they write about.
Why am I telling you this? Well, this week, Laskas wrote about hair, and I found it very funny, since I was writing in here about hair too.

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