Thursday, May 10, 2007

Bad, BAD, BAAAD Addiction!!

I've spent the whole night up, reading and reading and reading... and laughing and feeling and all sorts of crazy things that have only made me accept the fact that I am a "Bad Girls" addict!
The worse part is that I have NEVER seen the show! Now how pathetic is that? I've been only reading the recaps of the show that I found in, and thanks to Scribegrrrl, (who by the way is the best recapper ever) I am addicted to a women's prision drama I have never seen! And I thought I was safe! But no, I just can't stop reading and getting more interested in this stuff. I have laughed out loud like a maniac! Just sitting in front of my laptop, reading, laughing, emotional, having tingly feelings that were driving me nuts! (ok, maybe I am hormonal these days of the month, and the fact that my Sweety was not here made it worse!),
So, I've been reading I don't know how many episodes when I finally reach the scene where Nikki and Helen finally kissed. Oh! how romantic was everything in my imagination!
But wait! Then I found another evil element of addiction... right there, at the end of the comments from the users about the episode, as if everything was just normal... there it was: a link to the clip in YouTube! I am not into YouTube! (I wasn't until a couple of hours ago, after I saw so many clips related to Nikki and Helen) But now, I am addicted to that too. I'm sure there has to be some kind of program for these kinds of addictions!
I wanted to embed here one of the clips, but is not permitted. Nonetheless, I've found a kinda corny video-clip with one of my favorite songs by Garth Brooks, and the images of Nikki and Helen. So, here it is... Enjoy it


jbz said...

"I'm addicted to a women's prison's drama I've never seen." You know you're a lesbian when...

Sally said...

thank you so much for visiting! I do have plan to get the DVDs, but for now it has to wait, because there are other things that are more under pressure. Thank you again for your suggestions!

Dark Orpheus said...

Ah, another one that fell for Scribegrrrl's recapping skills. :)

I think I know what you mean. I first started reading Scribegrrrl's recaps on the L Word - loved how funny she was, and I ended up loving The L Word before I saw a single episode. (They don't show The L Word where I live, so I depend on the DVDs and YouTube for my fix)

Incidentally, I just found out Bad Girls episodes are available on YouTube. I just caught the later part of Season 3 where the Nikki and Helen romance storyline concludes. It was a nice "Ahhh..." moment.

Sally said...

dark orpheus,
I discover Scribegrrrl with the recaps of Queer as Folk! She made me laugh out loud so many times! Since then I am a big fan of her recaps, and like you, I knew about the L word way before I ever saw any episode! The power of writing!!
Thanks for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

hey i was just going to let you know that you can see all 8 seasons on youtube for free. if you have issues email me at and ill tell you which "screenames" have them

Shazzamattazza said...

Hi Sally,
You are an American living in Europe..Like virtually across the English Channel to UK..Well, do you want to know where i am? i am in Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia and i have already watched dvds of Bad Girls series 1 to 4 so far.
OK, Melbourne mate is lending me the 5 box sets of.. but you know what.I think i am going to buy series 1 to 3 from because i love the Helen and Nikki story..Btw,you also get to see the best bits of each series in the of my favourite bits is the uncut,extended version of the kissing when Nikki was in Helen's house and the South Africa promo.I just love Mandana Jones,She is gorgeous !
Yeah, like you, i am a BIG TIME ADDICT.It's expensive for me to buy them but i am determined to get them.It is one of the BEST love story i have ever watched.The chemistry between these two gorgeous straight women is just so amazing that you would think they had to sleep together!
Yeah Sally, try and get the box sets of the Uncut version of Bad Girls.I know i am..