Monday, May 14, 2007

Kissing marathon in Berlin!!!

The 17th of May, there will be a Marathon of Kisses in Berlin, celebrating the "International Day against Homophobia". There will be many places where people will gather and kiss (That's right, they'll get together at a certain place and time, and they will be kissing- honestly I don't think they will be running and kissing!)
Their slogan is "Protect Every Kiss" So they are inviting EVERYBODY gays, lesbians, straights, young and old, to just stop and kiss each other. They also say to bring your Kissing partner with you, so, it is not like everyone is going to be kissing strangers!
The good thing is that the last "kissing point" is Nollendorf Platz, which is my favorite place to go out for coffee, and its fairly close to my house. The bad thing is that my Sweety will be working and wont be able to come. But I'm planning on going and taking pictures. Then I'll show them here.
So, for the people that stop by here everyonce in a while, go with your loved one any place in public and kiss each other! Protect every kiss, and celebrate the International Day Against Homophobia!
I think kissing is much better than any other demostration... don't you think?


m o s t r i t o said...

Me gustaria que en mi pais se realizaran eventos como esos...creo que estamos muy atrazados para algo asi! jeje
en fin, disfrutalO! =)

Sally said...

Gracias! eso haré! O por lo menos haré el intento!